
Why i'm veggie

So many people ask me (specially in France?!) when they see i don't eat meat or fish, "Mathieu, why are you veggie ?"

This post to answer them clearly, taking time to detail with videos and other referral links.

For a veggie audience, i'm sure all of this is obvious but because our personal priorities, let's explain mine...

Traditionally there a 3 major reasons to stop eating meat and to go down in the food scale.

1) health
Because so many studies explains the "too much" problem, like cancer risk.

2) ecology
Because producing an animal protein is too heavy;
Do we need 8 planets (vs 1 with vegetal proteins) ?

3) ethic n' compassion

"A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying,"   ~Pope John Paul II

How could we called as "civilised society" when we're doing ... this :

For me it's the most important point, because we're talking about your conscious, our common conscious.
And the more we grow up, the more we will change for a better world.

Some links :