

How i've built a freemium angularjs mobile application in 10 minutes

As mobile & web full stack dev, i always look for the best tools to publish and maintain the apps i've built.

That’s why I contributed to github.com/miappio, which is like the graal for me.

And let me tell you how you can now use this tool to publish a freemium hybrid app in 10 minutes with this tool.

Why have I chosen this solution ?
- I love Ionic (especially their css and integration tools), but you then need to pay for a cloud solution that can't manage my users.
- I want to involve my free users (for free) and then make them pay on premium features
- miapp.io provide a generator, out of the box : angular.js, ionic, cordova mobile app
- it's free :)

That's why i've chosen this open and free platform for my first (very important) users and i know that, if needed, I can also freely manage my premium users ...

In three steps :

First : register your app

and get your app ID and salt

Second : create your app with yeoman

Requirements :
As web/mobile dev, You should be familiar with node.js, gulp, ionic etc ...

I've done a gist to help check your config https://gist.github.com/mlefree/2156f66dfb441f107bef157dde56a836

Then you're ready !

npm install -g generator-miappio

and in your new project directory

yo miappio

Just answer a few questions, all done !

ls -al

As you can see, all done and ready to use;
Want to check your tests

npm test

and start your new app in your favorite android device :

npm run android

Third - Publish

... and that's it, you’re done!
After signup, you could now see/manage your users on miapp.io app page (role etc ...)

That's it :-) ..

If you need to go further :

  1. The generator, if you don't have yest your app : https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-miappio
  2. The SDK, if you already add your hybride app : https://github.com/miappio/miappio-sdk
  3. Some app built :

One last point, the project is open. it's evolving with many features in the backlog (ie #ContributorsWelcome?!).

Enjoy App Heroes !!


Trust the General Yue

If you got a pill to get you healthy all your life ?

It exists ! originally created by Yue Fei (12th century General) : "Here comes theses exercises for a entire healthy life"...

What do you think ? :)
To me, as kung fu practising, no doubt that it's definitly relevant in our world, for everyone.

So please, trust the General Yue and try these 8 very simple exercices.

When you will be ready, healthy, and happy ... you can go further :)